Sunday, September 24, 2017

CHINCHILLAS Staying Healthy With Pellets and Hay

The chinchilla's process of consuming food is quite different than other animals.  They should have a lot of roughage and fewer nutrients.  One of the things that they must have enough of is pellets.

Chinchilla pellets can be purchased from a breeder or a pet store.  Not all brands contain the same ingredients.  When you purchase them, be sure that the basic ingredients are in the mix.  This would include alfalfa meal, wheat germ, molasses, oats, soybean oil meal, corn, and added vitamins and minerals.  The chinchilla pellets are long because the animals eat with their hands and they must be able to grasp them.

Quito the chinchilla
Photo by Daveybot
The chinchillas consume the pellets until they feel full.  When they get to that point, they will stop and refrain from overeating.  You can either feed them once or twice a day.  You'll want to figure out which feeding regimen is best for them.  Stick with whatever works best and be consistent.  If you're not, the chinchilla will know and the inconsistency will cause them to be stressed.

A chinchilla's livelihood is based on routines.  You can feed the pellets to them either from a hopper feeder or a ceramic bowl.  The hopper feeder is good to use because you don't have to concern yourself about it falling over.  Ceramic bowls are good because they are heavy and the chinchilla can't chew it like they would a plastic bowl.

Chinchilla pellets are one of the best things they can eat; but if for some reason you can't locate them, you can substitute rabbit or guinea pig pellets for them.  These are fine to consume as long as they contain plenty of fiber and are low in fat.  If for some reason you do have to switch their pellets, do it gradually.  Once they get used to a system, it's difficult for them to change suddenly.  They will adapt, but they get stressed if it happens all at once.

Hay is good for them because it also provides fiber for their system.  You can choose from two kinds:  alfalfa or timothy.  They can be purchased in loose or small compressed blocks with a measurement of 1" X 1" X 2".  The animals will eat both kinds and it must be chemical and mold free.  Because of their sensitive digestive system, chinchillas can only consume fresh hay.  To remain fresh, it must be stored in a dry place.

Fifty-pound bags may be too much for a chinchilla owner, so cubes can be purchased in smaller amounts.  It's better if the cubes are broken into smaller pieces.  This way, they can handle them easier as opposed to being one cumbersome piece.  One pressed cube or a handful of hay is all an adult chinchilla usually eats.

An alternative to hay would be Bermuda grass.  If your house has a lawn with Bermuda grass, you can feed that to your chinchilla.  However, the grass must be chemical and fertilizer free.  Just wash it off and give your chinchilla a few.  Bermuda grass helps to remedy any digestive issues.  

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Djungarian HAMSTER - Phodopus sungorus

Djungarian HAMSTER - Phodopus sungorus - Photo: Pixabay

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Spiders can make great pets! I wouldn't suggest anyone with arachnophobia (fear of spiders) having one as a pet, but even beginner pet owners can take care of some types of spiders.
English: Female Mouse Spider, Missulena bradle...
Female Mouse Spider (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tarantulas are the most common type of spider kept as a pet and have become more and more popular as a pet in recent years. Although people tend to fear to keep a tarantula as a pet, it is often more harmful to the animal than to the pet owner. Tarantulas can die from a shortfall if their abdomen ruptures, so great care must be taken when handling one.

Tarantulas are venomous, but in most species, the toxicity of their venom is not strong enough to seriously harm a person. A tarantula bite can be compared to a bee or was a sting. In most cases, it is harmless, though a person can have an allergic reaction to spider bites in much the same way that some react to bee stings.

There are hundreds of species of tarantulas and some are more aggressive than others. A few types that are great for beginners are Chilean Rose (Grammostola rosea), Curly Hair Tarantula (Brachypelma albopilosum) and Costa Rican Zebra (Aphonoplema seeman). The first is often the most highly recommended as they are considered the most passive of tarantulas.

In general, ground-dwelling or burrowing tarantulas are ideal for beginners, as they tend to be slower which decreases the chance of escaping their habitat or their owner's hands.

Most pet dealers sell only female tarantulas, as these make the best pets. Females live much longer than males as pets, and male tarantulas will wear themselves down trying to escape to find a mate.
The ideal habitat for a tarantula is a small, plastic terrarium or aquarium. Be sure to check that the lid is secured tightly, as tarantulas can be surprisingly strong. Line the bottom of the habitat with potting soil that can be dampened every so often.

Include a water dish and objects for the spider to hide in. Food can include small insects like crickets and moths. Also, make sure all items within the cage are soft. Tarantulas are climbers and if they fall on rocks or sharp objects, they can die. Temperatures should be above 70 but less than 90 degrees within the habitat.

Female tarantulas may molt about once per year, and when they do this, they will flip onto their side or back. It isn't dying (a dying tarantula will often curl its legs under itself), and should not be touched while on its back. After the spider molts, which can take a few hours, it is extremely fragile and should not be handled for at least a week.

The best thing to do if you're interested in keeping a tarantula as a pet is to research the particular species, as they can vary greatly, and remember to handle it gently. Believe it or not, but you are far more dangerous to a tarantula than it is to you.

    Tonia Jordan is an author on which is the online community for writers. She is also a stringer for the Standard-Speaker, a Pennsylvania newspaper, and is editor of Word of Mouth Magazine.
    Article Source: EzineArticles

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Caring for your Marshall ferrets is extremely important since it will ensure that you will have a very rewarding experience with your pet ferret. There are many aspects to consider when you are taking care of your Marshall ferrets.   

Photo: Wikimedia

Ferret Health and Maintenance
Ferret health needs to be checked regularly. They tend to swallow things and that they are not able to filter what they get their paws on. This danger will require you lots of vaccinations and treatment options. You may even have to consider having the number of the veterinarian on speed dial in case there will be emergencies.  

Ferret Diet
Ferrets are carnivores and they like a healthy dose of rodents and other tiny mammals that they can eat. But you also have to watch out for what the ferrets eat because if it were a dirty mouse, they might get infected with a lot of viruses. Processed ferret food is also an option but it is expensive and may contain less of the required nutrients.  

Training your wild Marshall ferrets can be very challenging, and you might need the help of an expert in training ferrets to ensure the best results. But if you have enough passion and drive to train your pet ferret, you can do so. You can start by having a specific time and place to train your Marshall ferret. You might also need to outline specific tasks that you want your ferret to do or things that you expect them to be able to perform after you train them.      

Teething can be a very challenging for your Marshall ferrets. But you need not be scared when this occurs. The thing with teething is that your pet ferret will constantly need to grind and move its teeth as its molars and other types of teeth come out.   

Taking them On Field Trips
The thing with Marshall ferrets is that they really need a lot of variety, especially with their surroundings. They always like to be excited and they need to be taken on frequent or regular field trips. As a pet owner, you can get creative and not have to go past your backyard by having the right props to mix and match for your pet ferret. But in case things get stale, they like open spaces and then some holes with which they can move their way in. You may even play fetch with your pet ferret and put certain colorful objects underneath the holes for them to pick. 

Letting Them Socialize with Other Ferrets
Socializing is also an important facet of caring for your Marshall ferrets. They will get very lonely if they are left to fend for themselves. You only need to monitor their activities with other ferrets to avoid injuries. There may be some injuries but they are minor and part of the whole socialization thing they have to undergo as ferrets.     

Ferret Proof Your House
Your house must also be friendly to Marshall ferrets. You must not leave objects that are hazardous lying around. Also, avoid enticing them with food that can be detrimental to their health like chocolates that can cause stomach aches.

Be very careful with holes that lead to electrical wiring or pipes as the ferrets may get too adventurous and head off to that area and endanger themselves. Make sure that the areas where they are not supposed to roam free are closed shut. 

Sunday, September 10, 2017

FERRET - Mustela putorius furo

Ferret - Photo: Pixabay