Showing posts with label Spiders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiders. Show all posts

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Black Widow SPIDER

English: Female Black widow spider sunning her...
Female Black widow spider sunning herself on a nice day. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The black widow spider is probably the most famous and feared spider species in the world, and all the scary picture comes from the habit of the female spider to devour the male after mating. It is this specificity that is actually responsible for the name of the species as such, but there are plenty of other features that make the black widow spider stand out. 

The most common color of this spider is dark brown or black with a red hourglass pattern on the body; the legs are hairy and the jaws seem very strong. There are several other varieties related to the black widow spider; they live in South Africa and Australia, and the major difference from the North American black one is of color: they are red and brown.

Even in North America, there are three different types of the black widow spider and their classification is made according to the geographical area where they live: there is the northern black widow, the southern black widow and the western black widow; thus the species is widely spread from the south of Canada to Mexico. Though there are some morphological differences, the three varieties are pretty much related and similar to each other.

Like many other venomous creatures, the black widow spider has bright red pattens on it as a warning sign for predators that would attempt to feed on it. The black widow spider is not capable of killing a bird that would eat it, but the digestive sickness that would follow will be definitely enough to make it avoid attacking the black widow again.

The female black widow spider is more venomous than the male, and it is she the biggest threat to predators. Nevertheless, the red color helps the males too in order to send the same threatening message as the female. While the males move freely in their habitat, the females usually spend their entire lives in just one place, as they very seldom leave their nests.

In terms of toxicity, the black widow spider has one of the most potent venoms in the animal world: it is actually fifteen times stronger than that of the rattlesnake for instance. It also surpasses the cobra and the coral snake in the effectiveness of the poison. Though death is not usually the outcome of a black widow bite, some dozens of cases have been reported over the last decades only in the United States. Nevertheless, on a more common basis, the black widow spider bite causes very serious symptoms and necrosis.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Spiders Have Special Benefits- But Beware Of That Bite!

Black Widow - Photo: Wikimedia
Many Americans warmly welcome four-legged friends into their homes, but few are comfortable when creatures with eight legs wander in from outside.

Even though they make you shriek, some spiders play a positive role around your home by preying on other pests. For some homeowners, their contributions to reducing unwanted insects far outweigh the fear they evoke.

"Many household spiders are not dangerous to humans," said Orkin, Inc. entomologist Ron Harrison, Ph.D. "However, there are a few species with a venomous bite. The key is distinguishing between those that make harmless houseguests and those that present a threat to your family." 

Several spiders can protect your home from pesky invaders. Cellar spiders-the web-spinning species most common in homes have been known to prey on black widow spiders. Some, like the spiny orb weaver and house spiders, can hunt crickets and small flying insects. Wolf spiders can help rid lawns and gardens of common pests. Even the brown recluse-the most dangerous spider to humans-can assist by eating cockroaches, silverfish, and other soft-bodied insects.

When protecting your family from venomous spiders, it is important to identify key characteristics of harmful species like the black widow, brown recluse and yellow sac spiders, whose bites can cause severe skin irritations.

  • Black Widow: Females are shiny black, with a red hourglass-shaped mark on their abdomen.
  • Brown Recluse: This spider is yellowish to brown in color, with a dark brown violin-shaped back marking; legs are long and thin with fine hair.
  • Yellow Sac: This spider has yellow coloring; its abdomen is often much brighter than its head or legs.

According to a survey conducted by Orkin, Inc., spiders have a noticeable presence in two out of three American households. So when spiders make frequent appearances in your home, trust an experienced professional to identify the species, consider its web-building or hunting behaviors and determine the best way to control the infestation. 

Homeowners can take some steps to prevent spider invasions and reduce potentially harmful encounters, such as removing food sources and discouraging nesting by keeping low-traffic areas, such as cellars or closets, clear. However, a licensed pest control company should be called upon to treat and repel spider infestations.

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Spiders can make great pets! I wouldn't suggest anyone with arachnophobia (fear of spiders) having one as a pet, but even beginner pet owners can take care of some types of spiders.
English: Female Mouse Spider, Missulena bradle...
Female Mouse Spider (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tarantulas are the most common type of spider kept as a pet and have become more and more popular as a pet in recent years. Although people tend to fear to keep a tarantula as a pet, it is often more harmful to the animal than to the pet owner. Tarantulas can die from a shortfall if their abdomen ruptures, so great care must be taken when handling one.

Tarantulas are venomous, but in most species, the toxicity of their venom is not strong enough to seriously harm a person. A tarantula bite can be compared to a bee or was a sting. In most cases, it is harmless, though a person can have an allergic reaction to spider bites in much the same way that some react to bee stings.

There are hundreds of species of tarantulas and some are more aggressive than others. A few types that are great for beginners are Chilean Rose (Grammostola rosea), Curly Hair Tarantula (Brachypelma albopilosum) and Costa Rican Zebra (Aphonoplema seeman). The first is often the most highly recommended as they are considered the most passive of tarantulas.

In general, ground-dwelling or burrowing tarantulas are ideal for beginners, as they tend to be slower which decreases the chance of escaping their habitat or their owner's hands.

Most pet dealers sell only female tarantulas, as these make the best pets. Females live much longer than males as pets, and male tarantulas will wear themselves down trying to escape to find a mate.
The ideal habitat for a tarantula is a small, plastic terrarium or aquarium. Be sure to check that the lid is secured tightly, as tarantulas can be surprisingly strong. Line the bottom of the habitat with potting soil that can be dampened every so often.

Include a water dish and objects for the spider to hide in. Food can include small insects like crickets and moths. Also, make sure all items within the cage are soft. Tarantulas are climbers and if they fall on rocks or sharp objects, they can die. Temperatures should be above 70 but less than 90 degrees within the habitat.

Female tarantulas may molt about once per year, and when they do this, they will flip onto their side or back. It isn't dying (a dying tarantula will often curl its legs under itself), and should not be touched while on its back. After the spider molts, which can take a few hours, it is extremely fragile and should not be handled for at least a week.

The best thing to do if you're interested in keeping a tarantula as a pet is to research the particular species, as they can vary greatly, and remember to handle it gently. Believe it or not, but you are far more dangerous to a tarantula than it is to you.

    Tonia Jordan is an author on which is the online community for writers. She is also a stringer for the Standard-Speaker, a Pennsylvania newspaper, and is editor of Word of Mouth Magazine.
    Article Source: EzineArticles

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Keeping a Pet SPIDER

Spiders might not be for everyone, but for some people they are fascinating and ingenious little creatures that make unique pets. There are over 38,000 spider species in the world, and climbing, however pet enthusiasts only commonly keep a tiny percentage of these. Most commonly kept are the tarantula species as they are large, have little venom and are fairly easy to care for. In this article you will learn the basics for keeping such a fascinating pet.

Mexican Red Knee tarantula (Brachypelma sp), a...
Mexican Red Knee tarantula (Brachypelma sp), a new-world species (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Before you buy
Make sure your motives for buying a pet tarantula are right. Some people buy them to look cool or even brave. This won't be good for you or your spider in the long run! Also make sure you understand they aren't companionable pets and they are more geared to being observed rather than 'played' with. Most tarantula species can live for around 5 years, some for much more, so put a lot of thought into if you really want one. Reading this through may help you decide!

If you decided you really do want an eight legged friend, research! You should look at what sort of tarantula you want and what its specific needs are. Some good starter species include;

The Pink Toe
Mexican Red Knee
Chilean Rose
Curly Hair

You should also be aware that if you have asthma or an allergic reaction to insect bites extreme caution and thought should be given to your decision. Tarantulas have a bite equal to a bee sting and can flick irritating hairs at potential threats. While the above species are fairly docile, they will still defend themselves if they feel threatened.

Housing a pet Tarantula

Most spiders need very small amounts of space. Most spider keepers use plastic 'faunariums' which are small plastic tubs with ventilated plastic roofing. These are more than adequate. Of course you can buy starter kits that have glass tanks and mesh tops or you can buy glass vivariums with mesh tops for the same purpose. It all depends on preference and budget!

Keep in mind the dimensions, species such as the Pink Toe are arboreal, meaning a taller space, rather than floor space is preferred. Others, such as the Red Knee, prefer floorspace, to burrow and rest on.
You should position your enclosure somewhere quiet, away from household 'traffic' and noise. You should not place it in draughts, next to radiators or in direct sunlight.

Heating and light

Tarantulas do not require lighting however a small heat mat, either to cover half the tank at the bottom for terrestrial species or half of the side for arboreal species, is needed. A thermometer should be placed in the enclosure to make sure the temperature is correct for your species of spider.

Decor for your spider
Generally tarantulas require very little decor. It is generally easier to maintain the enclosure with less decor. Depending on the type of tarantula, you will require different set ups.

Food and water bowls

You will not need food bowls for your spider, however a water 'bowl' is essential. You should provide a small, fairly shallow dish or bowl made from either plastic or ceramic, you should avoid metal types as they can be harmful.Inside the bowl or dish moist cotton wool or 'bug gel' should be placed. This will help the spider to get extra moisture without the risk or drowning.

You should check the individual requirements of each specie, but generally vermiculite, bark or other soft material, such as peat. Desert species shouldn't be kept on sand as it can cause molting problems, instead you should ensure there is a covering of dry vermiculite.

Other Decor

Climbing (arboreal) spiders, such as the Pink Toe or Stripe Knee will appreciate small plastic plants, either attached to the side or roof of the tank or stood securely in the tank.

Terrestrial species, such as the Chilean rose, will appreciate cork bark, resin hides or even bark hides to take refuge in. Some species, such as the Mexican red knee will like to occasionally burrow. You can partly bury plastic hamster 'tubes' in the substrate to recreate a solid burrow that won't collapse.
Any other decor, such as stones, plants or ornaments should be cleaned with hot water and inspected for sharp or dangerous edges. They are not needed and will be purely for the 'look' of the enclosure, making it a little more natural.

Moulting in spiders
Spiders grow by shedding their exoskeleton. This is a delicate process in which the spider is most vulnerable. During this process the spider will create a large amount of silk on the floor or other stable surface. When he is ready to moult he will lay on his back with legs tucked in.

It is really important not to disturb the spider during this time as their outer skin, the exoskeleton, is literally coming off and any disruption can seriously damage the soft underlying skin, being potentially fatal to your pet.

The length of a moult can vary between species. The preparation can be a week or so to a few days although the actual 'shedding' process is usually around several hours. You will know when it is over as a 'skeletal' spider will be left and your pet will most likely retreat to safety.

It is important to gently mist the enclosure during this time, not soaking it but not allowing it to become 'arid'. You also need to be careful not to directly spray your pet! Food items should be removed from the cage and the water dish should be moist.

You should remove the moult, either disposing of it where other pets or children won't get hold of it or safely keeping it as a record of growth. If you choose to do this you should put it in a bag or container, again away from children and pets.

Feeding your tarantula
Spiders in the wild eat a great range of foods, depending on the species they will eat insects right up to lizards and small birds. Luckily most pet tarantulas, certainly those for beginners, are well suited to a diet of insects.

When purchasing your spider you should ask about what it is usually fed on, yes they do sometimes have a preference! It will also give you an indication of how large the prey items should be. As a general rule the item should not be bigger than it's thorax ( the part before the abdomen, where the legs are situated).

When feeding your spider there are several types of food to try. Most common is crickets. Brown crickets are softer and more suited to younger spiders although adults will enjoy them along with the larger, tougher, black crickets (also refereed to as 'field crickets'.)

You can also give meal worms and morios although they tend to burrow and can be a nuisance to your spider if uneaten. Some people like to feed roaches, small locusts and the occasional wax worm, but this should be as a very occasional treat.

It is best to research what your species would naturally eat and with the advice of the supplier, use good sense to form a nutritious diet for your pet. You can also use gut loading supplements to enhance the diet.

Spiders will eat only a little. You shouldn't feed daily, one or two items a week is more than enough. This should be altered depending on the size of the item taken. Younger spiders will require slightly more, perhaps 2-4 small items a week.

Any uneaten food items should be removed before the end of the day as they can annoy and cause damage to your pet. Spiders will sometimes refuse food especially before a moult. Because of the vulnerability during this time, even a cricket could kill your spider, so you must remove uneaten food!

Problems with spiders
Spiders rarely get any health issues, however there are a few that can cause problems and must be dealt with.


This is caused by too moist conditions, in which mites will multiply rapidly. If left untreated they will clog the mouth and 'book lungs' (the 'nostrils' on the side of the thorax) causing death. Signs of mites include the spider seeming reluctant to move, perhaps submerging himself in the water dish or curling up with legs underneath. To confirm mites, check in the night, when lights have been off, with a bright torch. If you see specks crawling on the tank walls, decor, substrate or spider, it has mites.

To deal with it you must move the spider to a different container while the substrate and decor is removed from the original. You should soak the decor in hot water and rinse the tank with a bleach solution. Be extremely careful to thoroughly rinse the tank out, if you can still smell bleach after it has dried, rinse again! You can then place new substrate and replace the decor along with your pet. If the problem persists you should seek a vets advice.

Monday, February 22, 2016


Belonging to a small-sized arachnid species, the brown recluse spider is the one to be found in shady corners both indoors and outdoors. Unlike most other spiders that grow in our homes, the brown recluse spider does not weave a web, but creates an apparently disordered thread shelter. This species likes to live undisturbed in quiet places like the cellar, the garage, sheds and other locations that are neither too humid nor too bright. 

English: brown recluse as compared to a U.S.A....
Brown recluse as compared to a U.S.A. penny (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In the open air, the brown recluse spider is to be found in rotten tree bark which they inhabit naturally without being disturbed. There is one thing that definitely sets the brown recluse spider apart from other fellow-spiders: the way it hunts. The whole purpose of weaving a web or creating a maze of threads is to make the perfect trap for catching prey; yet, the brown recluse spider does not consider that enough. The males are likely to leave their nest and go hunt somewhere else, while the females will not go far from the web. Their favorite hunting moment is the night, when there are less chances of being disturbed, threatened or exposed to the dangers of the outside world.

How can one actually recognize a brown recluse spider? When you see a brown recluse spider for the first time it is impossible not to notice how much it resembles a violin; it is actually known as the “fiddle-back” spider or the “violin spider” for the color pattern it has on the back and bottom areas. Though the color specific to the species is brown, there are yellow and black varieties too, nevertheless, these color patterns are not a general characteristic of the brown recluse spider. The color variety may be absent, just as the violin marking can be hardly visible.

Nevertheless, there is one other element that clearly makes the recognition of the brown recluse spider possible. One identification method used by scientists consists in checking how many pairs of eyes the species has; the brown recluse spider has only three pairs of eyes, unlike most other spiders that have four. Two eyes are located in a median position while the other four are placed on the sides of the body. Moreover, another feature that makes the brown recluse spider stand apart is the absence of any coloration on the abdomen or the legs, which is pretty unique in the arachnid world. As their very name suggests, you should expect no threat from these creatures as they are neither aggressive nor dangerous.

Friday, January 8, 2016


Maybe they give the creeps to some of us, while others treasure them as pets: spiders are spread all over the world both in open nature and in our homes. There are thousands of species, some more venomous than others, to the point that they can kill a man in a matter of minutes. Despite their incredible diversity, all spiders create silk and design complex webs in which they catch their prey, nevertheless, silk is also great for climbing and laying eggs. 

A 9 millimeter-long female jumping spider foun...
A 9 millimeter-long female jumping spider found in Newport News
 (Photo credit: 

All spiders depend on their venom for survival: venom is the way to hunt and defend themselves, but from the many thousands species only about two hundred actually represent a threat for human health. The great thing about these creatures is that they have adapted to the harshest of environments from the desert and the tropics to the Arctic areas where they can live underwater.

In terms of gender relationships, male spiders are famous for being killed right after intercourse, or at least this is the general myth people know. Relatively smaller than the females, the male spiders of certain exotic species are indeed sacrificed for the perpetuation of their breed. Nevertheless, this is not a general rule as in most cases, both males and females survive the encounter.

Well adapted to various living conditions spiders use great camouflages, and they even imitate other species for survival. Most species have six or eight eyes disposed in various groupings on the body. Certain eyes are even more specialized than the others, not to mention the fact that there are also blind eye pairs that are located in various places on the articulate bodies of these creatures.

Webs are the distinct mark of spiders but even these have a particular imprint of their own: thus, some create sheet webs, others spiral webs, not to mention the true mazes that some dangerous species design as deadly traps for their prey. A clear example here is the distinct tangled web the black widow makes; yet, spiders also create webs for the protection of their nests. Placed above their “home” web, such silky defenses lower the vulnerability of spiders in front of aerial predators.

There are other spiders which do not depend on webs for survival, and one famous example of such a species is the giant tarantula. Though they can produce silk threads, they are however hunting their prey down by using the ambush method. Extremely venomous and dangerous, tarantulas often make great pets for spiders lovers. So, don't be surprised if you see such a hairy creature in a friend's aquarium.