Sunday, April 23, 2017

Pet RABBIT Nutrition 101

One of the most important aspects of properly caring for your pet rabbit is providing him with a healthy, satisfying, and well-balanced diet. Fortunately, doing so is relatively easy, since there is general consensus about what is good for rabbits and a wide range of great food pellet options. 

Rabbits can also eat many of the fruits and veggies that you probably have on your dinner table every night (see below for recommendations and portions).

bunny in cage
Bunny in cage (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hay is an essential component of a rabbit's healthy diet. One reason why is that feeding a rabbit hay on a daily basis seems to reduce rabbits tendencies to pull out and consume or chew on their own hair, which leads to (sometimes very dangerous) hairballs. 

Buy high-quality leafy grass hay, timothy hay or clover hay. Avoid alfalfa hay, as it can sometimes be problematic and has been shown to increase the risk of bladder stones. 

FRESH Water 
Like all creatures, rabbits need fresh water in order to survive. Change water daily or at least every two days. When you change the water, also wash the water bottle or dish thoroughly to get rid of bacteria. 

You may want to use a water bottle that can hang on a cage, as this can reduce the messiness factor. If you prefer to use a bowl, make sure it is sturdy and heavy enough so that your rabbit won't overturn it. 

Although it may sound funny, rabbits can actually benefit from yogurt just the same way that humans do. Yogurt is proven to reduce the bad bacteria in the body, balancing out the good bacteria in the process. Many pet rabbits seem to like yogurt and accept it as a part of a balanced daily diet. 

Chew Toys 
As you will quickly learn as a new rabbit owner, bunnies love to bite and chew on things. This is actually essential for good dental health, but the trick is to give them good substances to chew on so they won't be tempted to eat up your furniture or other, more dangerous substances, like wires or electrical cords. 

A dog's chew toy (on the smaller side) can be a great alternative, one which most rabbits seem to enjoy a great deal. Two more natural options are a large bone from a piece of boiled meat, with the bone marrow taken out, or some apple tree branches (the twigs are great roughage and help keep the bunny's intestines clean). 

Rabbits tend to be quite sensitive when it comes to changes in their diet or feeding schedule. In fact, if there is a sudden change or interruption, a rabbit may lose his appetite or become ill.

Therefore, it's important to be consistant. Establish a feeding routine that is easy for you to stick to each and every day. Set your timer and fix the feeding schedule into your own everyday routine. Make sure you have enough rabbit food (whether hay, pellets, veggies, etc.) on hand so that you don't run out unexpectedly. 

Feeding your rabbit a consistent, balanced and healthy diet is one of the best ways to ensure that your pet has a long and happy life as your prized companion. 

by Andrea Austin,

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Keeping RABBITS As Pets

Keeping Rabbits as Pets is Fun Thing To Do
Rabbits will be your perfect family pets because they are very adorable and loveable. Keeping rabbits as pets needs a couple of factors that will help you to take care of them. You have to prepare the space that you can use for exercise. And then it is the time for you to find comfort accommodation for your rabbits. Bedding and food are also important to make them happy living outside or indoors. Meanwhile, keeping rabbits as pets will take a lot of your time every day in order to take care of them. Unlike other smaller pets, you have to give more attention to rabbits because they sometimes can bite and scratch. For those of you who have children, these pets are not suitable for them. But rabbits will become nice friends for older children with the help from their parents to supervise their kids.

English: Miniature Lop from the United Kingdom...
Miniature Lop from the United Kingdom Pet's Name :Si (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How to Take Care of Indoor Rabbits
Rabbits are perfect family pets because they love gathering. You have to prepare a couple of important things such as a comfort space for sleep, and box and tray on keeping rabbits as pets. You will have to make sure that your rabbit can play in your garden because they have to achieve vitamin D from the natural sunlight. Rabbits can hang out well with a couple of other pets but you have to be careful with that and supervision is needed on keeping rabbits as pets.

How to Take Care Outdoor Rabbits
The first thing that you have to do in order to feed outdoor rabbits is to build a comfort place for your Rabbit. And it is important for you to apply clean straw. For those of you who have two rabbits with medium- sized you have to build a hutch with the measurements of 60cm x 60cm x 150 cm. But if you have a smaller hutch, you have to consider using a separate run in your garden or you have to do some exercise for your rabbits outside from their cage. You have to build the hutch that will allow shelter when winds come and shade during the summer time. You can build a grass run for the hutch or you can place it in your garden according to your needs. But once again, you have to make the nest area which is protected from the sunlight. You can empty the litter tray day by day and you can clean the hutch easier.

Feeding the Rabbits
Rabbits love fresh vegetables such as spinach, carrots, broccoli, watercress, apples and dandelion leaves. But you have to limit the consumption of the vegetables before it is overfed. There are a couple of foods that are not allowed to eat by your rabbits such as potatoes, grass clippings, and lettuce. Those foods will make your rabbits have a problem with their health. You can also try a diet schedule for your rabbits. 75% hay is good enough with the addition of fresh water. Vitamins and nutrients will be provided by a high quality of pellet.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Ferrets have a unique diet compared to other animals. This is because they need one that is rich in protein and low in fat. Aside from that, it must also not be rich in carbs and sugar. 

English: Domestic ferret (Mustela putorius fur...
Domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo), lots of Ferrets, who sleep, male
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Perhaps the best one to buy in the market is Totally Ferret. The problem is that it is not always available in the market. As a result, owners have to switch to something else like cat food and some examples of these include Iams, Science Diet and Pro Plan. 

The products mentioned are not soft cat food which does not contain less protein that has the tendency to lead to tooth decay. Although these are quite expensive, buying an 8 pound bag of any of the brands mentioned will last up to 2months. 

But ferrets in general are carnivores so when you feed them, make sure that you are using two types of food at all times ideally meat and poultry. This will prevent them from being stuck on only one type of food so they won’t have a hard time adjusting later on. 

Aside from food, you should also give your ferret supplements. Examples of these include Ferretvite and Ferretone but only in moderation. 

Using the right food will prove to be worth it when you notice that your ferret is very energetic and their coat are in excellent condition. Of course, you will still need to groom it by combing the hair and giving it a bath every so often because they tend too smell when they get dirty. 

Once in a while, it wouldn’t hurt to feed your ferret some small pieces of fruit and vegetable. The same goes with sugar free cereal. This must never be given in large quantities as this causes gastrointestinal upset, a possible blockage and even malnutrition. 

As your ferret grows older, you should change their diet to kitten food because studies have shown that these too much protein may cause kidney problems. This should only be given if ever your ferret is recovering from an illness or has undergone surgery.  

Some ferret owners believe that a raw food diet may also work. One good example is raw meaty bones which, helps prevent tartar from forming on the teeth and also provides calcium in their diet.   Because of this diet, you will have a more active ferret around the house that has excellent coat condition. You don’t have to clean up that much after your pet because it also decreases the stool volume as the food ingested is absorbed by the body and their natural scent is greatly decreased. 

Those who want to try the raw food diet should not be worried if ferret’s stool turns white to a grayish color because this is only temporary and will soon return to normal.  Since it takes time for the pet to adjust, you can mix it with ferret food that can be purchased from the store then gradually decrease this with raw bones from either meat or poultry. 

Knowing what do ferrets each is just one of the many steps for those that want them to live for a long period of time. Proper care, attention and love are also needed because these creatures are great to have when you need a friend to take your worries away. 

Sunday, April 2, 2017

How To Get Your CHINCHILLA To Trust You

If your chinchilla is not tamed, it may take them a while to get used to you.  Just like with human relationships, you will have to earn their trust before they allow you to form a close bond with them.  You will have to provide your pet with a lot of love and care.  Don't get discouraged if after a few months, they still don't reciprocate.  It just means it may take a little longer than you thought.  It is much easier to get a baby chinchilla to trust you than it is an adult.

Flickr: Photo by Ph!L!s
Chinchillas have more of a problem with being tamed than say, dogs or cats.  They are filled with a lot of smugness and they demand your respect.  They don't pay attention to you when you call their name.  If you want your pet to really trust you, try doing some of the following:

- Provide treats for your pet as they come to whatever side of the cage you're located on.

- Talk to them in a calm tone to keep them calm.

- You will know when they no longer fear you if they remove the treat from your fingers in the cage.

There are other things you can do to get your pet's trust.  There are also some things you shouldn't do in order to get their trust:

- A Chinchilla's body is delicate and you must handle it with care.  If you pick them up, avoid grabbing their ribcage.  You could injure it or possibly fracture a bone.

- Your pet should be close to your body if you're carrying it.

- Like humans, chinchillas need to breathe easily.  Don't squeeze or hold your pet tight.  They will let you know when you are by squealing loudly or biting you.

- Help your pet feel safe by allowing it to bury their head under your arm or cover their face with your hand.  Chinchillas like to know that their owners like to keep them safe in any way possible.  They want to know they have a protector at all times.

- Hold your pet by it's tail base and hold your pet's weight with your other hand.  Don't hold on to the tip of its tail.  If the chinchilla tries to get free, that part will come off.

- You can also hold your pet as though it were standing up.  Use one hand for its hind legs, and your other hand to hold his body.  Your pet's hands should rest on yours.

You will know when your pet trusts you when they start doing these things:

* Snuggling up to you
* Allowing you to stroke their body
* Follows you around
* Comes to see what's in your palm
* Sniffs your clothing and other items on your body
* Allowing you to curl their tail
* Sniffs your nose

It is an honor to have a pet such as a chinchilla that is fond of you and you have gained their trust.  You must remember to continue doing things with your pet to continue that trust.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

AKA, Pocket Pet with Attitude - SUGAR GLIDER

Many people are searching for different means to have pets. Dogs and cats are not always the best choice of pets for everyone. Here is an amazingly different type of pet. A Pocket Pet! A Sugar Glider.
The Sugar Glider is a popular pet because of its sweet, lively, inquisitive nature, but is illegal in certain jurisdictions, such as California.

Left: Echidna. Right: Sugar Glider relocated f...
Left: Echidna. Right: Sugar Glider relocated from Toolern Vale, Victoria (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Do gliders make sounds? Sugar gliders are very social creatures and make many sounds, including barking, crabbing, clicking, and chattering.

Are gliders rodents? No. Sugar gliders are marsupials (mammals that carry their young in a pouch); they are in the same family as the koala bear and the kangaroo.

I have gathered some information, and done some research. Perhaps this will be the answer for many wishing to own a different kind of a pet.

Sugar Gliders make excellent pets. They adapt very readily to captivity and can develop very strong relationships with their human keepers. This is why they would be great for people who cannot have big pets. They are small in size, are very intelligent and love to play. They are much smarter than a hamster or rat and have a much longer life-span, most living to be 10 or older if taken care of properly. Although nocturnal, this can be of benefit.

Sugar Gliders love human attention. And they really are so cute. They also develop very strong bonds with their owners.

An adult sugar glider is approximately 11 inches long from his nose to the tip of his tail, but most of that (6 or 7 inches) is tail. They have similarities with our flying squirrel. The fur is very soft. Here is more information I have researched.

It is around 16 to 20 cm (6.3 to 7.5 in) in length, with a slightly longer tail, and weighs between 90 and 150 grams (3 to 5.3 oz). The fur is generally pearl grey, with black and cream patches at the base of the pink ears. The tail tapers only moderately and the last quarter of it is black, often with a white tip. The muzzle is short and rounded. Northern forms tend to be brown colored rather than grey and, as predicted by Bergmann's Rule, smaller.

The most noticeable features of its anatomy, however, are the twin skin membranes called "patagium"s which extend from the fifth finger of the forelimb back to the first toe of the hind foot. These are inconspicuous when the Sugar Glider is at rest it merely looks a little flabby, as though it had lost a lot of weight recently but immediately obvious when it takes flight. The membranes are used to glide between trees: when fully extended they form an aerodynamic surface the size of a large handkerchief.

Sugar Gliders can occupy any area where there are tree hollows for shelter and sufficient food. Their diet varies considerably with both geography and the changing seasons, but the main items are the sap of acacias and certain eucalupts, nectar, pollen, and arthropods. They are difficult to see in the wild, being small, wary, and nocturnal, but a sure sign of their presence is the stripping of bark and tooth marks left in the soft, green shoots of acacia trees.

Sugar gliders love human attention and they love to play. This is what makes them special. Make sure you bond with the little ones when you bring them home. Since they sleep in the daytime, you can bond with them by letting them sleep in your pocket, but don’t sit on your glider! Sugar gliders will form very strong bonds with their owners. One article says that they love to play hide and go seek.
They love it when you come home at night; they are so excited to see you!

Please buy them from a reputable breeder. You can expect to pay from $200 to $400 for them. I recommend starting with a baby since they do form much stronger bonds with you. And as always, study and gather the right information to have a safe and healthy pet.

Author: Ruth Bird

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Water And Supplement Treats For Your CHINCHILLA

Like humans, chinchillas need water.  Their water should be fresh and changed daily.  This is crucial because if this is not followed, bacteria can grow and it would affect the chinchilla's health.  It's not a good idea to have them drink from standing water in a bowl.  They'll be sure to catch bacteria that way.  Also, they may accidentally tip the bowl over and then you have a wet mess.  A preferred vehicle for drinking water would be a water bottle.  The bottle should be placed on the side of the animal's cage.

Domestic chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera x ch...
Domestic chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera x chinchilla brevicaudata), 2 babies. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you do use a water bottle, it should be cleaned thoroughly to avoid any germs or bacteria.  Clean the entire bottle with hot water and have another one on stand-by.  The chinchilla will drink the water more if nothing has been added to it.  So, if you want your pet to drink plenty of water, it should stay as it is.

Since a pet chinchilla is special to their owner, it's not surprising that they would want to reward their animal with a treat.  However, the owner must know that this can only be done in moderation.  Too many of these can cause the animal's sensitive digestive system to go out of whack.  Not only will they gain weight, their lifespan would be short-lived.  

If you're going to give your chinchilla treat, give them raisins.  This is something that chinchillas love to eat.  They should only be given three to four raisins a week.  If the chinchilla is a baby or a young one, half a chinchilla will do.  Dried fruit, without sulfite preservatives, is fine.  Examples of this are a blueberry, a grape or a tiny apple slice.  If your chinchilla has diarrhea, you can give them wheat (spoon shredded size) or rolled oats minus the preservatives.  Raw, black oil sunflower seeds that are used for feeding birds are good for the animal's outer coat.  You should not feed your animal cabbage, corn or lettuce.  These would be heavy on the digestive system.  

When feeding them, the treats should be fed separately from anything else, including pellets.  If you mix them, they will not eat the pellets and just go for the treats instead.  If you give them something to gnaw on, let it be white pine or apple wood.  These wood types are good for their teeth and won't cause damage.  Pine boards can also serve as a bottom platform for a chinchilla's feet when they're walking on a wire mesh material in their cage.  Any other type of wood may not be suitable for them.

Stay away from cedar, plum, plywood, cherry, fir, spruce and any other wood that can be harmful to their teeth.  If you're not sure which wood type is good for them and which isn't, check your local pet store.  They can assist you with your animal's needs.  

If you have a young or expectant chinchilla, their diet will have to be altered from the normal regimen.  If you're not sure on what to feed them, check with your veterinarian or chinchilla breeder to get more information.  As you get acclimated to what your chinchilla needs, they can be assured of an uneventful and healthy lifestyle.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Article on FERRETS

First domesticated by the Egyptians in 3000 BC From the tenth to twelfth centuries the historians believe that Crusaders brought the working ferret to Europe. Romans used ferrets to drive away rats and to find rabbits, which they used food in 300 BC They took ferrets to other parts of Europe. More recently ferrets were used by contractors and utilities to run wire through conduit and pipes, in places to small for people to fit. Ferrets have flexible ribs, as a result they can squeeze through little holes and can flatten their bodies to crawl through the smallest spaces.

English: Black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes...
Black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes), pups (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ferrets are like cats and dogs. They are not rodents. They belong to the family called mustelids, which includes skunks, badgers, weasels, otters, and polecats. The ferret's life span, generally is between eight and eleven years, sometimes up to fifteen.

Male ferrets are called hobs. Female ferrets are called jills. Young ferrets are called kits. Ferrets are curious animals. They love to dig and be around people.

Deciding on an addition to the family requires responsible thinking. Your decision shouldn't be based impulsively on how cute or adorable the kits (babies) look. You must prepare yourself to dedicate quality time to a new pet. Ferrets are playful and entertaining to watch. They have poor eye sight and a keen sense of smell and hearing. Ferrets have a musky odor, comes from their skin glands. For the sake of the ferret observe the following: Make sure the ferret has fresh food and clean water. The cage must be regularly clean. You must get to know the ferret. See if your lease or local law permits ferret ownership. When going on vacation, what do you do? To be good, healthy pets, ferrets must be spayed or neutered. Before purchasing, or on the way home have your ferret de-scented to prevent the risk of infected or blocked scent glands. Your ferret will require special foods. Are you prepared to commit to eight to eleven years, to your new friend? It's unwise to leave your ferret alone with other pets.

After deciding on a ferret as a pet, you now need to ask yourself if you want a hob (male) or a jill (female)? One or more? Kit or an adult?

When choosing the variety and sex of a ferret, it is strictly a matter of personal choice. Hobs and jills require about the same amount of time spent with them. Both are equally strong and healthy. Each ferret will have a unique personality. Sex or color will not determine its behavior.

Kits start out about the same size. However, the hob is three to five pounds and a jill is one in a half to three pounds. Neutered and de-scented hobs have very little odor, but a spayed jill has the least odor of all.

Ferrets come in numerous colors. The most common colors are sable, albino, butterscotch, white-footed butterscotch, silver-mitt, sterling silver, white-footed sable, cinnamon and black eye white.
Raising and training a kit can be a joyful experience. Kits are far less daunting. Although, it takes more time to train them. Consistence rewards and discipline for rough play and for housebreaking must be applied. As well, they can be mischievous adolescents.

If well handled in their reering, adult ferrets are completely through theses stages. But, adults that haven't been handled with love and good training are best left for experts to choose. A grown ferret is capable of adapting quickly to a new loving family. You may be amazed how quickly and easily an adult becomes a family member.

When choosing a ferret be certain that the pet shop is clean and odor free. After the ferret is roused, it should be alert and attentive. A ferret's coat should be shiny, soft and covering the body, no bald spots, and it should have clear, bright eyes. Also examine it for any sores or scaly spots.

When choosing a ferret from a breeder check for the following: bright, clear eyes, long full whiskers, no large lumps on the body, a soft full coat, firm and even distribution of muscle, clean genital areas, good temperament and attitude, and curiosity. When bringing home a ferret from the pet shop or breeder, put it in its new cage and allow it to rest.

There are a wide variety of cages that you can buy for your pet ferret. The most popular habitats are wire cages. The cage must be at least fourteen inches wide by twenty-four inches long and ten inches high about (35 x 60 x 24 cm). Any cage design must provide a litter area, a feeding area, and a sleeping area.

When bathing a ferret, put about six inches of water in a sink and gently lower the ferret into the water. Use baby shampoo or ferret shampoo. The water should be no less than ninety degrees and no more than a hundred and five degrees. Rinse the ferret two or three times to get rid of all soap.
When cleaning the ears of the ferret, use a cotton swob. You will either find dirt or wax in the ferret's ears.

As you trim the nails put a drop of tasty supplement on their belly. While the ferret's busy licking, cut their nails.

Most ferrets are affected by fleas, first time when treating fleas, treat the ferret. Second time treat the ferret's environment.

Ferrets are omnivorous, however their diet requires mostly animal protein. It is recommended be fed specialize formulated foods. If unavailable, then premium dry cat food from pet shops or the vets. Most ferrets tend to like snacks of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The first estrus usually occurs at four or five months of age and will occur twice a year. The jill is most fertile by the tenth day of estrus cycle. At this time place the jill and the hob together. During breeding, the hob will bite the back of the jill's neck and drag her. The female will usually scream and fight.

Gestation period is forty-two days. Prior to birth isolate the mother. Put her in a nest box lined with small towel. When kits are born they are blind, hairless and deaf and a pinkish red at birth. The eyes open on the twenty-seventh day. At four weeks old weaning can be started by teaching the kits to drink from a dish. Kits canine teeth grow in when they're seven weeks old. Once weaning is complete, kits can be placed for adoption.

There are several infectious diseases, ferrets can contract. They include colds and flu, pneumonia, feline distemper, canine distemper, rabies, and aplastic anemia and septicemia. Intestinal disorders ferrets can get are diarrhea, Black Tarry stools, Lack of stool, vomiting, and Blocked scent glands. Parasitic infestations ferrets can get which are eye problems, mites, ticks and fleas. Physical injuries ferrets can have are back injuries, broken teeth, and bite wounds.

Author: Johanna McDaniel