Friday, January 15, 2016

All About GERBILS - How To Care For And Appreciate These Special Pets

While many people choose to keep gerbils as pets, a lot of those people don't know much about their playful little friends. It's important for potential owners to learn all about gerbils so that they can properly care for and appreciate these special creatures.

The first thing to know is that gerbils are rodents, but they are so much more than mice. They are intelligent and curious little creatures, capable of affection for the human members of their families.

Pet gerbil.
Pet gerbil.
(Photo credit: 

Anyone interested in learning all about gerbils will be delighted to hear that most gerbil pets today are Mongolian gerbils that are native to the country of China. They first became popular as household pets in their native country then, in the last century, began to be popular in other countries. Pet owners in the United States began enjoying gerbils around the middle of the twentieth century, and they continue to adopt gerbils today.

In captivity, gerbils live for two to three years, sometimes longer. They are small, about four inches long, with another four inches in the tail. Those tails are almost as furry as the gerbils' bodies are.

Gerbils are social animals that enjoy living in colonies. For that reason, it's important to bring home more than one. Anyone who knows all about gerbils will tell you that a pair of litter mates of the same sex is the best idea as the animals are already naturally bonded.

Gerbils appreciate a lot of room for running around. Learn all about gerbils and their living habits before bringing home a pair of these active animals. Wire cages work well, but glass aquariums are great, too. They allow you to put in the deep layer of bedding that gerbils love to burrow into. Inside the cage, you should also provide a nest box to give the gerbils a secure place for hiding and sleeping.

A wood or ceramic nest box is a better choice than plastic, as anyone who knows all about gerbils will tell you. Plastic is quickly chewed to pieces. The animals will chew the wood as well, but it will take them longer to do so.

Gerbils like to eat a variety of foods but a wise owner will stick to a good quality product that is made just for these special animals. Your local pet store staff knows all about gerbils and can advise you on the best food to purchase.

Lab blocks are large chunks of food that are filled with nutrition. Seed mixes are a fun addition to a gerbil's diet, but be aware that these little guys will pick and choose what they like best.

That means they might not always eat a good mix of foods. Treats can include very little amounts of fresh vegetables or fruit-but not too much. As anyone who knows all about gerbils will tell you, veggies and fruit can cause diarrhea. Sunflower seeds or dog biscuits are a better choice.

If you want to know all about gerbils, visit your local pet store and ask questions of the staff. Or buy a book and read up on these amazing little animals.

    By Kevin Highfill
    My name is Kevin Highfill. Please visit my site at [] to discover more information all about gerbils
    Article Source: EzineArticles

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